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Legal Helpline 

Our in-house Legal Assistance Helpline offers advice and assistance on any personal legal query or problem your people may have

Mna on phone taking notes

Legal support, as often as you need it

The Legal Helpline is available 24/7, 365 days a year and employees are free to contact the service as many times as they need. The helpline is also supported by our online Legal Assistance Portal, providing self-help advice pages and a facility to arrange a call back from a legal helpline adviser at a time that suits the employee best

Pre Incident Support

Attract Top Talent

Stand out from the crowd with a specialist benefit during the recruiting process

Increase Engagement

Increase Engagement

Enable employees to address pressing issues with expert guidance

IndividualGroup Debriefing

Comprehensive Support

With 24/7 accessibility and no limits on how many times the service can be used

Benefits for Your Business

Those dealing with legal matters such as parking tickets, will preparation, and divorce are spending an average of three hours per week dealing with their situation during work. This can last as long as six weeks 

By providing access to a Legal Assistance Helpline, not only do you position yourself as an employer of choice, but as a business you recognise that Wellbeing covers every area of employee life

Woman celebrating call on couch
Man Celebrating Call

Benefits for Your Employees

Legal issues can often be incredibly complicated, expensive, and difficult for employees to deal with. Providing access to a Legal Assistance Helpline can help your employees with:

  • Support in multiple areas - both personal and commercial legal support
  • Unlimited use - employees can call as much as they need
  • Dedicated advisers
  • A First Response Unit team to direct the employee to the appropriate legal assistance adviser
  • Year-round support with a helpline available 24/7, 365 days a year

Take the next step to boost employee wellbeing

Find out more about how Vivup can help your employees be happier and healthier by requesting a demo

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